Governor Lee called a special session of the state legislature for Monday, January 27, 2025, to address his school voucher plan, the state’s response to Hurricane Helene, and undocumented immigration. My regret is that I did not address this issue sooner!
Lamberth Strikes Again- Hitting Undocumented Children in Tennessee’s Public Schools
Tennessee State Representative Lamberth co-sponsored the anti-immigrant bills that opened the special session called by Governor Bill Lee roughly two weeks ago. Lamberth’s newest bill targets the children who come to the United States with their undocumented parents. The bill would allow school system’s to deny education to the children of undocumented immigrants, and new comers would have to provide proof of US citizenship to be enrolled in schools. This is purposefully challenging a 1982 court ruling
Governor Lee’s Announcement about Special Session to Include Immigration
My Response to the Governor’s Announcement:
Below is the a document that I created on Saturday, January 25, 2025, to distribute among state legislators and my like-minded friends. I post it here to make it public because I believe more people need to consider these points:
Points to Consider about New Laws Reguarding Undocumented
The purpose of this document is to provide my educated point of view on the current legislation in a quick, concise manner. For information about my experiece with Latinos in Sevier County, Tennessee, please see my website above where I provide my resume and my Spanish story.
Points upon which I agree with President Trump, Governor Lee, and leaders of the Tennessee legislature:
- All undocumented criminal immigrants in TN and the US should be deported.
- The number of those with caravans during COVID were ridiculous and a strain on the United States.
- The numbers of individuals from non-Latino countries entering the US through the southern border is a threat to national security. I personally have heard of instance of a family entering the southern border after flying into Mexico to cross the border because they saw it as an easier way to enter the US, and a Hatian man joining his cousin in Sevier County after crossing the southern border days earlier. I have seen immigrants from other countries passing through openings in the fence while national news crews have been filming.
- I agree with those noted above that TN and the US cannot continue taking in all those who seek refuge here.
Concerns about the new laws and methods being proposed by those noted above:
- How will the deportations of otherwise law abiding undocumented be carried out?
- What will prevent racial profiling from occurring in TN like that which has been reported in other areas where raids have already taken place?
- What qualitifies local police or appointed others to work as immigration agents?
- Will people be given time to provide documents that prove they have permission to be here, and will those enforcing the law be well enough informed about how to verify those documents?
What local economies, Sevier County in particular, stand to lose:
- There will not be workers willing to do hard, menial jobs that the immigrants have been doing for over twenty years here. Examples of these jobs that immigrants usually perform are all aspects of building cabins, hotels, cleaning those places, and various positions in restaurants. One proof of this is the number of retail and restaurant jobs that are unfilled in the area every summer and throughout the year.
-postpone legislation until all have had more time to consider the ramifications presented above.
-representatives from the legislature should invite conversations with people like me who have been involved with immigrants for an extended period of time; representatives from Latino and other immigrant groups; ESL teachers who work with these children daily; and others who interact with them on a regular basis.
Note: This document does not in anyway advocate any part of Sevier County or Tennessee be designated as sanctuaries for the undocumented or anything else!
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The Bilingual Highlander
I HAD to have this T-shirt when I saw it in the store! It mixes my Highlander side with my fascination with the Day of the Dead-like skeletons.
Notice the Pura Vida bracelets on my right wrist. Pura Vida bracelets are made in Costa Rica. I LOVE these bracelets! They are easy to match with anything and everything I wear. I got an invite by text a few days ago to become a Pura Vida affiliate. It was approved. What does it mean for you? Go to https.// add to your bag, and add the code I am going to give you, you will get 20% off!
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